Manage Your Stress and Rejuvenate Your Life
Featured, Wellness For Life Radio 2014 ShowsI had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Susan Smith Jones on my November 21st show to discuss her stress busters and tips on how we can rejuvenate our life. She had some fantastic information to share. Dr. Susan joined my show particularly…

Crock Pot Paleo: Cilantro Chicken Curry
Allergies, Featured, Nutrition, Our Blog, Ultimate WellnessNow that the weather is getting cooler, I am so into crock pot cooking!
Here is one of my favorite crockin' recipes, paleo style. Organic ingredients of course!
Cilantro Chicken Curry
1-1/2 lb. of chicken- legs, thighs, breast…

Halloween Boos: Scary Side Effects of Your Holiday Candy!
Allergies, Lifestyle, NutritionHalloween is tomorrow and the ghosts and ghouls will not end after October! One of the scariest treats that follows you through the holidays is candy. Candy is chock full of sugar and can have some spooky effects on your body if you’re not…

How to Make a Paleo Virgin Bloody Mary
Our Blog, VideoEarlier this week I shared a photo of my Paleo Virgin Bloody Mary and hundreds of you wonderful people responded by emailing me requesting the exact recipe- the details on how to make my Paleo Virgin Bloody Mary!
So here you go! I have a…

So What’s the Deal with the Part-Time Part?
Lifestyle, Our BlogSo What’s the Deal with the Part-Time Part?
By Leanne Ely, CNC
I get asked all the time what’s up with the “part-time” aspect of going paleo. It’s quite the conundrum to have to reconcile all of this as a nutritionist,foodie, cook…

Essential Nutrients 101: Vitamin C
Nutrition, Our BlogThis week I am sharing some of my favorite vital nutrients with you - ones that are truly essential for the human body to thrive, prevent cellular damage and the aging process, as well as even preventing disease.
Some of these power house…

Delicious Recipes - Grilled Chicken with Avocado Sauce
Nutrition, Our BlogGrilled Chicken with Avocado Sauce
from Simply Gluten Free Cookbook by Chef Varouj
(Modified by Dr. Susanne to follow the Gut Restore/Heal Your Gut Food Checklist)
Yield: 4 servings
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

Delicious Recipes - Wilted Spinach with Sunflower Seeds
Nutrition, Our BlogWilted Spinach with Sunflower Seeds
from Simply Gluten Free Cookbook by Chef Varouj
(Modified by Dr. Susanne to follow the Gut Restore/Heal Your Gut Food Checklist)
Yield: 2 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
This is a very quick and easy…

Delicious Recipes - Quick Breakfast
Nutrition, Our Blog“Quick" Breakfast
from Simply Gluten Free Cookbook by Chef Varouj
(Modified by Dr. Susanne to follow the Gut Restore/Heal Your Gut Food Checklist)
Yield: 1 serving
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
This is my "convenience"…

The Deadly 6: Toxic Metals that makes you sick!
Allergies, Nutrition, Our Blog, Ultimate WellnessAsk a hundred random people about deadly things we encounter in modern life and they might respond with answers such as violent crime, accidents involving guns, automobile crashes and heart attacks (among many other possible answers.) Most people…

Making Almond Milk
Nutrition, Our Blog, Ultimate Wellness, VideoHere is a video on how to make almond milk, or any alternative milk for that matter!
For more information about Jing Jing:

An Interview on CBN TV
Our Blog, VideoMy interview on CBN TV, "Get Your Allergy Makeover the Natural Way," just went live today! Here's the video: