


Surely you’re familiar with the tangerine (aka mandarin), with it’s sunny orange hue and juicy, vibrant burst of sweet citrus flavor, but did you know that you can use the peel of the tangerine to make a delicious tea, which can help to soothe what ails you? Read on to learn why this is the perfect time of year to incorporate this elixir into your routine.

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Allergy Season is already here! Sunny skies, drier and warmer temperatures in some areas of the country allow plants and trees to bloom earlier releasing an abundant amount of pollen for the natural process of propagation. Southern California is one of those areas that are experiencing early allergy season. “Cedar fever” in some areas of Texas will be affecting thousands of people soon.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 40 million Americans suffer from symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis commonly known as hay fever.

Pollen irritates the mucous membrane tissues in our eyes, nasal/sinus pathways and oral cavity causing itchy eyes, nose and throat, sneezing, post nasal drip, cough, fatigue and in more severe cases, asthmatic reactions.

There are many natural remedies for children and adults that work surprisingly well to relieve allergy symptoms from outdoor seasonal inhalants.

Here are a few supplements to add to your natural remedy emergency kit that can be easily found at your local health food store or holistic pharmacy.

Using these remedies individually or in combination may help alleviate your or your child’s symptoms and also prevent future reactions.

Vitamin C: an essential nutrient, which help modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation

Quercetin: a powerful bioflavinoid found in fruits and vegetables that prevents immune cells from releasing histamines

Stinging Nettles: Nettle leaf extract contains compounds that reduce inflammation and histamine production.

Bromelain: a natural enzyme from pineapple and an effective anti- inflammatory when taken on an empty stomach.

Black Currant (Ribes Nigrum) Gemmotherapy: Gemmotherapy formulas are plant stem cell extracts from buds and shoots of organic plants. Extremely powerful in minute doses, black currant extract is known as the “natural cortisone” to help alleviate inflammation and allergic symptoms.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: an optimal anti-inflammatory supplement when taken regularly with meals

Pycnogenol: A study (June 2010) by Dale Wilson et al, in Phytotherapy Research concluded that pycnogenol (pine bark extract) taken 5 weeks prior to allergy season improved allergic rhinitis symptoms. This super anti-oxidant can reduce symptoms of inflammation, runny nose and itchy eyes.

Homeopathic Lymph Drainage cream: helps drain and open the lymphatic system of the head and neck to remove metabolic waste and secretions, ultimately alleviating nasal congestion, runny nose and postnasal drip.

Other helpful tips:

  • Reduce common food sensitivities that can increase histamine and mucus production such as dairy, yeast, sugar and soy.
  • Keep windows closed during the seasonal months of March through June and from September to October.
  • Invest in a whole house air filtration system or a HEPA air purifier for your child’s room (do not use a negative ionizer, not as effective in collecting pollen and particulates and some models may release ozone into the air).
  • Leave the “fresh air vent” in your car closed and turn on the “recirculating air” button to prevent pollen, dust and smog from entering in.
  • Windy days can exacerbate or trigger allergies, have play dates inside with board games and art projects instead.
  • Teach your child to blow his or her nose effectively and apply un-petroleum jelly around the nostrils to prevent redness and chafing.
  • Rinse nasal passages with a mild saline solution using a nasal rinse pot (neti pot) after work or school and outdoor activities.
  • Wipe down your loving pets with a damp paper towel to remove the pollen and particulates from their coats before re-entering your home.

Although allergy remedies are necessary at appropriate times, prevention and lifestyle change is key for a healthy family all year round.
Healthy Travel Summit

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Helping people live well and natural is my core focus. When I treat my patients I am sure to include every facet of their life into my treatment. I consult my patients to work out new recipes, when to rest and even new places to eat and vacation with the family. Living with allergies, aches and pains should not keep you from doing the things that you love for yourself and family.

I am happy to announce that I have just been mentioned in an article in Woman’s World magazine. The article is about helping women find time for themselves and using simple, at home remedies to detox the body through bathing and get into better health.

I am always willing to talk to new people to discuss ways for enhancing their life. Whether you have extreme allergies, an upset stomach, indigestion or just trouble sleeping I can find natural ways to improve your body and mind. If you have any comments, you can reach me through my website, facebook or twitter. Love to hear from you!

Learn proven methods on how you can break free from allergies and restore you and your family’s health. Asthma, migraines, arthritis, ulcers and obesity have all been linked to allergy. Fatigue, irritability, body aching, digestive problems, and other vague ailments are typical of allergy.

Join me Wednesday, September 19th,  2012 @ 8:00pm Eastern (NY) time. (5:00pm Pacific, 6:00pm Mountain, 7:00pm Central).

Registration is FREE Reserve your space right here:

Find Out:

  • How allergies relates to environmental factors, food additives, diet, digestion, body chemistry, addiction, yeast, molds, parasites and childhood illnesses-
  • Simple, effective day-by-day guides with specific “action items” so you know exactly what to do to eliminate your allergies.
  • How to change your diet and eliminate the worst allergy culprits.
  • Turning your home into a breathe-easy space

The term ‘bacteria’, does not sound like it would jive with the word ‘good’, but that is where probiotics step in. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your intestines. They are involved in digestion as they help break down your food and help your body absorb the vitamins it craves. Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. They work for your body instead of against it.
Taking probiotics can help replace the good bacteria within your body and help fight against skin and food allergies. Lately allergies have been on the rise, and many researchers speculate that hyper-sterilization is the root cause. Using antibacterial soap, for instance, gel, or other cleaners obsessively, destroys all bacteria, good and bad, from our environment. This does not give the immune system an opportunity to strengthen itself and can become weak over time, especially in small children. Probiotics can help defeat these allergies, along with irregular digestion, plaque buildup, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and the most common skin allergy, eczema.
You can find probiotic supplements at the vitamin store or you can talk to your doctor to find the right bacteria for your body. You can also find probiotics in foods like non-dairy cultured yogurt (coconut, rice, soy), kimchi, miso, tempeh, and sauerkraut. Taking probiotics daily, or at least after taking antibiotics, is an effective way to maintain your health, both physically and mentally.

Many people today are developing allergies far into adulthood. Most people believe you have to be born with allergies, but you can actually develop allergies at any point during your life. It is possible for us to acquire more allergies as we grow with the more we are exposed to. Over exposure of any substance can cause an allergy!

A new finding suggests many people are gaining new allergies due to a lack of sleep. “Researchers claim that sleep shortage can contribute not just to ailments like diabetes or obesity but could also speed the risks of developing allergies and/or infections in the future.” Lack of sleep is caused by a multitude of reasons, stress, anxiety or a busy schedule. But these factors may in fact weaken your immune system, making you more likely to develop an allergy.

It is recommended that you sleep at least 6-8 hours each night. This may seem impossible with a busy schedule, but having enough rest will ensure a healthy body. Sleep contributes to many functions of the body, so not getting enough rest can affect your whole day, disrupting concentration, memory, appetite and of course your immune system. Try creating a good sleep schedule to fit your routine, and be sure to avoid heavy meals a few hours before sleeping , along with caffeinated beverages. We all know how demanding our schedules can often be, but it is important not to let your body suffer because of it!


Many people are allergic to the dander that comes off of cats and dogs and avoid them altogether, but some do not mind a little sickness if they get to keep their furry companions. Most people actually choose to continue to live with their pets even after they find out they are allergic to them because most allergies to dander are non-life threatening and can be treated with over the counter medication.

I know how important animals can be to a family, so I have compiled a list of simple things you can do to make living with a pet easier, even if you are allergic to them. First off, it is important to remember that people with pet allergies are not allergic to the pet hair itself but to the oils and dander on the pet hair. Also that there is no such thing as a non-shedding dog or a breed that people are not allergic to–these are myths!

Pet Tips

▪ Create a pet-free area

▪ Clean your house often; this includes dusting and vacuuming

▪ Bathe your pets at least once a week

▪ Be sure that it is actually your pet that you are allergic to; take an allergy test and be sure that you are not allergic to something that your pet is bringing into your home from outside

▪ Try to keep a hairless pet; like a fish or a turtle

Animals bring in all types of things from outside that can get trapped on their fur and eventually settle into your home. Even if you are not allergic to your pet it is important to maintain a clean environment for you, your family, and your pets to live in. Try using a HEPA air system in your home to remove any air born allergens. I hope these tips help you and your pets live in perfect harmony or at least in a sneeze-free zone!


Seasonal allergies are probably the worst of all allergies and affect just about everyone. Whether the symptoms last all season or a few days, many of us get that congested itchy-eye feeling once a year due to the high amounts of pollen in the air ,and weeds sprouting up during the new season. As common as this allergy is, it is still a hassle to live with.

These allergies usually crop up during the spring and fall seasons. Symptoms range from itchy-eyes, runny nose, and congestion. In some cases, people may experience more severe symptoms and should speak with their doctor for ways to remedy them. I would suggest avoiding outdoor activities during the allergy season between the 5am and 10am. Studies have shown that these are the peak hours for high concentrations of pollen in the air. Try taking your daily walks later in the afternoon if you experience a lot of symptoms. Also, try to keep your windows closed at home and in the car to avoid excess pollen from entering your system. I recommend investing in a HEPA air system for your home to clear out any allergens from the air.

The only way to be sure if you have allergies is to check with your doctor. They can run a blood test or a skin test to check for any and all allergens. If you find these symptoms are affecting your everyday life and become a distraction, try taking some over the counter treatments like antihistamine nasal spray. As always, look for natural remedies first but if you need to, look for prescription medication from your doctor. Try not to fear the seasons because of allergies, just equip yourself with the right remedies so you can still enjoy each day!


Keeping your baby healthy is number one on any parents list, so when mothers hear that their breast milk may be what is making their new born sick, they are torn. In some cases, babies may experience vomiting, fever, rash or gas. These are all symptoms of allergic reactions and must be addressed immediately.

 Luckily, there is no ‘real’ allergy to breast milk. The reactions in new borns is usually caused from what is in the mothers milk. Taking a closer look into your own diet may help to sort out what your new born is having difficulty digesting or is allergic to. Refrain from taking in milk, soy, fish or nuts. If the symptoms cease you may want to try to reintroduce one item at a time into your diet so that you can pin point exactly what your baby is allergic to. In some cases, babies may be lactose intolerant and are just not able to digest the enzymes in milk.

If you want to be safe, it is best to stay away from dairy, soy and nuts for the remainder of your breast feeding. Wait until your baby has moved onto formula, to be sure as to not pass anything on to them and keep them from any further harm, like potentially developing further allergies. If you have any further concerns or worry it may be something more serious contact your doctor immediately, take no chances and consult and expert.


Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, mostly during the fall and early winter months. The key is to figure out what is causing the allergies, and deal with them accordingly, rather than avoiding the outdoors altogether.

The number one contributor to seasonal allergies is ragweed. It is the most commonly found weed across the southern, northern and Midwest parts of the United States. Ragweed is an airborne allergen that can travel as far as 400 miles from its original location. It is most often found in vacant lots or on the side of the road and produces billions of pollen particles each season.

 The Santa Ana winds move in from October to March, greatly increasing the distance that pollen and spores travel. As most allergens are transmitted through the wind it is important to be aware of its movements. Wind travels furthest during the early morning from around 5am to 10am. During these hours it is best to keep your outdoor activities to a minimum if you are allergy-prone.

To protect against these allergens, it is also not a bad idea to keep all doors and windows in your house shut. Among the most common ways of avoiding winds, however, try using an air purifier in your home. I recommend getting one with a High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor (HEPA) as they remove up to 99.97% of allergens from the air

In addition to pollen, a great contributor to seasonal allergies are mold spores. These little devils typically start up in the fall due to weather change, cropping up in damp piles of leaves and stuffy basements. Try keeping track of those leaves piling up in your front yard, and clear all yard debris as often as possible to keep from growing mold and collecting other allergens.

Fall is a beautiful time of year. Try researching new ways to keep your family clear of allergies this season so you can enjoy a brisk walk with your kids or travel to that great family destination. If you have any concerns, contact your physician, but most likely that tickle in your nose are those pesky little pollen particles!

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