Entries by Dr Susanne

Rebounding: Bouncing for Good Circulation

Admit it, we all love jumping up and down. Be it on the ground, a bed, or a moon bounce at a party, there is no denying the fun of bouncing, which actually has many health benefits. When used as a form of exercise, the act of bouncing is called rebounding and is usually done […]

The Perks of Organic Wine

I am not a big fan of alcohol, and I do not recommend drinking daily, but if you do have a light alcoholic drink once in a while, I would suggest drinking organic wine. Like all other organic products, organic wine is fermented with chemical and pesticide-free grapes from unpolluted soil. While organic alcohol may […]


Infrared Saunas for Healing

Many different cultures around the world use sauna therapy but the origin of saunas goes to the Finnish. The Finnish made the first saunas in large pits with heated rocks that were doused with water to produce steam, creating an atmosphere of both relaxation and worship. Nowadays we frequent saunas mainly in gyms or at spas, but […]

Preventing Brown Age Spots

Here comes the sun! The Beatles put it beautifully, and Los Angeles will now be bathed in sunshine for a while after what seemed to be a never-ending downpour. Although the sun may feel amazing right now, it is still important to exercise caution when you are exposed to it for any length of time. […]

Calf Stretching to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

The calf muscle consists of two muscles, the larger of the two is the gastrocnemius which extends from the back of the knee joint all the way down to the feet. Right under the gastrocnemius is the soleus muscle, which is a smaller muscle that starts from the lower leg and joins the Achilles tendon […]

Manifest the Life of Your Dreams with Rituals

Have you made your New Year resolutions this year? If so, 75% of us will not be able to follow through with our goal after the first month. It requires focus and dedication, two things that do not come easily in the daily humdrum of work, school, and home life. With the tools of ritual […]

Whole Foods Market: The Best Grocery Store Experience

There are few grocery stores in Los Angeles that live up to my expectations with regard to food quality, eco-focus, and integrity, but one I can firmly stand behind is Whole Foods Market. Their Venice location neighbors Santa Monica and is only a short drive from the infamous Venice boardwalk. It is a unique market […]