Stem Cell Therapy with Dr. Meraglia

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Tami Meraglia, M.D. is a physician with a passion: to help women take charge of their own hormone health and happiness. Her unique voice is sorely needed today as women face hormone imbalances and deficiencies before, during, and after menopause. These conditions, which can assault quality of life, are nothing new.  hat is new is that they are appearing earlier than ever before, and at a time when women are already stretched to the limit. And women are often misdiagnosed by the medical establishment.

As a busy mom of 2 daughters, a doctor with a thriving practice, and a best-selling author and speaker; Dr. Tami knows that you often have to make choices over things like cleaning the juicer or getting your kids out the door in the morning (she also knows which one you’ll choose!). Life is hectic and busy, but that doesn’t mean that you have to come last in the equation.

Effortless weight loss, abundant energy, optimal brain functioning, and peaceful rejuvenating sleep are not unattainable goals; you simply need someone to guide and show you the way.