
OK, this may be TMI, but I DO like to talk about everything!!

So here it is:

Best time to have a bowel movement?

Answer: 5 to 7 am!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the time between 5 and 7 am is when the Large Intestine meridian system is activated and dominant.

It is the healthiest most optimal time to eliminate the waste and toxins from the night’s cleansing.

Create a morning routine by drinking warm water with lemon, or herbal tea immediately when you wake up. It will stimulate your bowels to evacuate, making room for the new day’s nutrition.

One more tip- taking probiotics at night will help you with your morning regularity!

Please comment if you want to learn more about your GUT!

probioticsWhat’s your main source of Probiotics (friendly bacteria)?

1. Probiotic Supplements

2. Yogurt or Kefir (preferably organic, non-Dairy, non-GMO- made from coconut, rice, almond, soy)

3. Organic Soy-based foods like miso, tempeh, and fermented soy drinks

4. Pickled or fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut

My favorite is #4- KIMCHI, of course!

Please post your answer, I really want to hear from you!

probiotic supplementsFACT: The human body contains 10 times more bacteria than it does human cells!

FACT: The Human Digestive System is a host to over 100,000 BILLION Bacteria!

FACT: Up to 2 pounds of Bacteria in the GUT, AMAZING!

5 Great Reasons to take Probiotic supplements:

1. Strengthens the Immune function and reduces allergies
2. Direct action against pathogens – bad bacteria, yeasts and molds, viruses and parasites
3. Has a Barrier function to protect the Gut Lining
4. Metabolic and anti-oxidant roles
5. Anti-carcinogenic action!

Comment if you take PROBIOTIC supplements!

PS: Next Post- Foods that Naturally contain Probiotics!

The term ‘bacteria’, does not sound like it would jive with the word ‘good’, but that is where probiotics step in. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your intestines. They are involved in digestion as they help break down your food and help your body absorb the vitamins it craves. Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. They work for your body instead of against it.
Taking probiotics can help replace the good bacteria within your body and help fight against skin and food allergies. Lately allergies have been on the rise, and many researchers speculate that hyper-sterilization is the root cause. Using antibacterial soap, for instance, gel, or other cleaners obsessively, destroys all bacteria, good and bad, from our environment. This does not give the immune system an opportunity to strengthen itself and can become weak over time, especially in small children. Probiotics can help defeat these allergies, along with irregular digestion, plaque buildup, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and the most common skin allergy, eczema.
You can find probiotic supplements at the vitamin store or you can talk to your doctor to find the right bacteria for your body. You can also find probiotics in foods like non-dairy cultured yogurt (coconut, rice, soy), kimchi, miso, tempeh, and sauerkraut. Taking probiotics daily, or at least after taking antibiotics, is an effective way to maintain your health, both physically and mentally.

Staying healthy is not just about what you eat or how often you exercise, it is also about your hygiene. We touch hundreds of things every day and transfer thousands of germs around without a second thought. It is in small work environments or hospitals however, where most people contract a common bacterial infection, staphylococcus aureus, or staph infection.

A staph infection is usually found on the skin or in the nose and may appear as an abscess on the body that is discolored, swollen and more often painful. Staph infections are contagious so it is important to take precautions every day to protect yourself. Do not share personal hygiene items. The bacteria is not usually transferred through saliva or hugging but sharing a razor or eye drops are easy ways for the bacteria to enter your body. If the bacteria enters your bloodstream the infection has the potential to become fatal. It is best to keep all wounds covered and treat them correctly, wear shoes in public places, especially locker room showers, and wash your hands often with soap.

I recommend taking Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic supplements to help prevent or treat staph infections. The probiotics helps your body produce good bacteria it needs to fight off the bad ones each day. It contains “12 strains of live lactic acid bacteria, 4 organic acids, 10 vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino acids.” Dr. Ohhira’s products are famous for treating and preventing not only staph infections but e coli, stomach ulcers, and even morning sickness. There is also a Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics soap available. It is great for everyday use to keep your hands germ free and moisturized. It can also be used on the face to heal acne. Taking the right precautions are so effective in keeping your body in good health!
