
Aside from beaches and sunny weather, one thing Los Angeles is easily associated with is rollerblading. Rollerblading is one of my favorite fitness activities because it is so easy to strap on your skates and enjoy a nice coast out on the beach while your muscles are pumping hard. Not only that, it is just as good for you on a physical level as running or bicycling.

If you vary speed and add technique, you can burn just as many calories rollerblading as you would during any other form of cardiovascular exercise. You use loads of energy, and by working to maintain your balance you are strengthening muscles in your core, which are responsible for giving you a flat stomach and keeping your back strong.

In addition to being highly aerobic, rollerblading also has anaerobic benefits, which was discovered during a study conducted at St. Cloud University in Minnesota. Anaerobic exercise determines how well your muscles are strengthened and toned during a workout. Compared to running or cycling, it was found in the study that rollerblading is the best anaerobic workout because it is easier to build up muscle in the upper leg, thigh, buttock and hip muscles.

Whether you are a beginner or more experienced rollerblader, I always recommend wearing wrist, knee, and elbow guards every time you skate, as well as a helmet for protection. While there are many places to blade in Los Angeles, my favorite is on the Santa Monica Boardwalk going North, a few miles from the pier all the way towards Temescal. Rollerblading South, towards Venice and Marina del Rey is fun as well; you just need to watch out for the joggers and bicyclers!

