
Helping people live well and natural is my core focus. When I treat my patients I am sure to include every facet of their life into my treatment. I consult my patients to work out new recipes, when to rest and even new places to eat and vacation with the family. Living with allergies, aches and pains should not keep you from doing the things that you love for yourself and family.

I am happy to announce that I have just been mentioned in an article in Woman’s World magazine. The article is about helping women find time for themselves and using simple, at home remedies to detox the body through bathing and get into better health.

I am always willing to talk to new people to discuss ways for enhancing their life. Whether you have extreme allergies, an upset stomach, indigestion or just trouble sleeping I can find natural ways to improve your body and mind. If you have any comments, you can reach me through my website, facebook or twitter. Love to hear from you!