
About 20% of the world lives with nail fungus, a microorganism that starts out beneath the nail and continues to grow with reckless abandon. While it may not be attractive looking, it is certainly treatable with time and effort.

Toenail fungus is very common and lives in places that are wet and warm, like communal showers and locker rooms.  The most troubling thing about the disease is the time it takes for the affected person to notice. Typically toe nail fungus will not cause alarm in the person it affects until it has covered the entire nail. The nail looks dry, flakey or thicker and it can be brown, yellow or even black in color. The fungus will infect the nail bed and can take over the skin around the nail. At this point you will need to be patient and take care of your nail diligently to eradicate it completely.

The best way to avoid contracting toe nail fungus is to steer clear of showering in public places without something to cover your feet, like flip flops. Also, always make sure to keep your feet dry, as moisture will breed the fungus.  One of the more popular places to contract toe nail fungus is nail salons, which can be very unsanitary places. Sharing foot tubs and nail tools is an easy way to catch the fungus, so if you like getting pedicures regularly, I suggest bringing your own tools! I personally picked up a bacterial skin infection from a very reputable salon five years ago and I have been completely au natural since- no more pedicures or manicures!

Treating toenail fungus requires patience and you need to use both a topical and an oral agent. Keep your nail short and wash your feet every day with probiotic soap after exercise or work. In the evening I suggest using a hair dryer to completely dry up the nail.  Also, I recommend a tea tree oil application for topical use after every shower and before bedtime. Olive leaf extract or castor bean oil extract SF722 by Thorne Research can be orally taken for a short duration.

A good home remedy also is to soak your feet in a little tub with ½ cup of baking soda for 20 minutes daily. Depending on how long you had the nail condition, it may take 3 months to a year to eliminate the toenail fungus completely and have a fresh new beautiful nail! It can be done!
