
Many people are allergic to the dander that comes off of cats and dogs and avoid them altogether, but some do not mind a little sickness if they get to keep their furry companions. Most people actually choose to continue to live with their pets even after they find out they are allergic to them because most allergies to dander are non-life threatening and can be treated with over the counter medication.

I know how important animals can be to a family, so I have compiled a list of simple things you can do to make living with a pet easier, even if you are allergic to them. First off, it is important to remember that people with pet allergies are not allergic to the pet hair itself but to the oils and dander on the pet hair. Also that there is no such thing as a non-shedding dog or a breed that people are not allergic to–these are myths!

Pet Tips

▪ Create a pet-free area

▪ Clean your house often; this includes dusting and vacuuming

▪ Bathe your pets at least once a week

▪ Be sure that it is actually your pet that you are allergic to; take an allergy test and be sure that you are not allergic to something that your pet is bringing into your home from outside

▪ Try to keep a hairless pet; like a fish or a turtle

Animals bring in all types of things from outside that can get trapped on their fur and eventually settle into your home. Even if you are not allergic to your pet it is important to maintain a clean environment for you, your family, and your pets to live in. Try using a HEPA air system in your home to remove any air born allergens. I hope these tips help you and your pets live in perfect harmony or at least in a sneeze-free zone!
