
Nail polish is the perfect way to accentuate any stylish ensemble. Like perfumes and make up however, the products we use to accessorize can be riddled with chemicals we often overlook. Caution should always be used when selecting the appropriate bodily embellishments, which is why I suggest going the all-natural, non-toxic route when it comes to selecting nail polish.

Chemicals like acetone, formaldehyde, xylene, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene are common elements found in most nail polishes, and can be harmful to your health when worn on a frequent basis. Since nail polish is such a lovely way to stylize however, it would be a shame to stop wearing it altogether. Luckily, there are now many water-based, organic, odorless, and hypoallergenic nail polishes out there to choose from, like Lovin’ Lilac and Fancy Polish, a great natural nail polish designed for kids but can be worn by anyone. Fancy Polish is especially good for women who are pregnant, since it is acetone-free!

I would also recommend looking into all-natural nail polish removers as well. There is a great non-toxic polish remover called Karma Organic, which was featured in the October 2009 issue of Oprah’s magazine. The remover is made from corn and soy, smells like lavender and tea tree, and does not leave the nail looking rough and stripped. You will find a variety of lovely colors of nail polish on their website too!

So if you are still a big fan of getting manicures and pedicures at your favorite salon, I recommend bringing your own nail polish, remover and tools to beautify yourself, naturally!
