
Who would have thought that our bodies already produced the best moisturizer on the market? When it comes to treating your body, natural cures are key. It is important for us to know exactly what we are putting onto our skin, as many skincare creams can contain toxic chemicals. This is why I am always look into all sorts of natural remedies for the skin, and one of the latest ones to be added to the ‘miracle’ list is hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring carbohydrate in the human body. Its function in the body is to bind with water and maintain cushioning for our joints and muscles. When bound with water in our bodies it has a texture similar to that of jello.  It occurs in every cell of  our body but 50% of it can be found in different layers of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is similar to collagen in this sense, as it plays an active role in skin maintenance. While collagen restores the skin after it is stretched, hyaluronic acid nourishes and hydrates it.

The greatest cure for keeping hyaluronic acid active in the body for healthier, radiant skin is by staying hydrated and of course, moisturizing. The skin, after all, is like a rubber band. Too much stretching causes wear and tear that would not normally happen if the rubber band were say, under water. The more water that you put into your body the more chances it has to bind with the hyaluronic acid and the more likely it will keep you wrinkle-free!
