
Hemp SeedsIf you are trying to give your body a boost, most people turn to flax seed or soy. What we should be looking for however, is hemp seed. Hemp seed is the most nutritionally dense seed you can find today. Hemp is extremely high in protein, making it a great substitute for meat or eggs. It also has anti-inflammatory qualities too. The hemp seed contains all of the digestible amino acids and essential fatty acids that can help boost your cardiovascular health. On top of all this, it is also a great source of fiber, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Hemp seed is so great for the body that it has been found to reverse the effects of cancer along with healthy lifestyle changes. The seed helps to boost plasma levels to produce antibodies to keep your body healthy and living longer. It is essential in producing healthy tissues and organs and contains no amounts of THC. Not only will it help you boost your system but it also contains 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce, making hemp seed a huge part of my diet.

You can purchase hemp seed just as you do flax seed, in huge value size pouches. You can add the seed to cakes or cereal or anything that you would like. I always try to work it into my meals along with my fruits and vegetables. Having a balanced diet does wonders for your body and for better living in the long run!
