
Think water is enough to clean those veggies of yours? Think again. Pesticides have been engineered to resist water, so one brisk rinse under the faucet just won’t cut it anymore. You really have to CLEAN your fruits, vegetables and grains in order to rid them of harmful chemicals for your body.

Over the years I have tried a lot of creative solutions for cleaning my fresh produce. What has worked for me through the years is a soaking process. I put all of my produce or grain into a gallon of water and mix in one heaping teaspoon of vitamin C crystals/powder. I let them soak for about 10-15 minutes to neutralize and decontaminate any germs or fungus. The most common fungi I see on produce is mold and yeast, and this will help to rid both of those, while deactivating any bacteria and viruses as well.

Go the extra mile when it comes to rinsing your veggies. The chemicals sprayed in fields are meant to resist a lot of different elements, including water. In order to provide safe and healthy food for your family, you must thoroughly wash or scrub all of your fruits, vegetables and grains. The extra mile goes a long way!