
Many people go years before they know that their bodies are incapable of digesting or are allergic to gluten. Gluten is a protein molecule found in grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats. Two types of gluten issues that people may have are celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Many people confuse a gluten intolerance for celiac disease when in fact they are different things. Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disease and gluten intolerance is when your body simply has difficulty digesting gluten. Typically a gluten allergy causes a reaction to wheat products. Symptoms usually range from swelling eyes, lips and face, sneezing and respiratory problems. If you suspect you are allergic to gluten grains I highly recommend taking an allergy test. If you test positive then it is crucial that you maintain a gluten-free diet at all times. Over time if you continue to eat grains that contain gluten you can damage your digestive system and cause nutrient deficiencies.

Many companies are now catering to people with gluten allergies and are manufacturing more and more gluten-free products. Cereal, crackers and even cakes are now being made gluten-free. Try shopping at local markets or going online for specific items. Be sure to stay away from pasta and bread and any other foods containing grain. Gluten allergies are fairly new to doctors and patients everywhere so researching it will be very helpful. Look up new products online and gluten-free recipes for your whole family to enjoy.


One out of every 133 people in the United States live with celiac disease (CD), and only recently has it caught on with the general public.  Gluten intolerance can at times seem like such a common digestive disorder, it can go unrecognized and untreated for years!

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, similar to an allergic reaction to gluten, but not quite the same thing. When gluten is consumed by someone who has an intolerance to it, it can damage the hair-like lining inside of the small intestine that absorbs the nutrients from food, called villi.  Over time the body stops absorbing necessary nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  If left untreated the small intestine can become permanently damaged, causing immune and nutritional disorders which can be potentially life threatening.

There are no known causes for CD but physical effects include intense rashes and blisters, commonly appearing on the face, elbows, knees and buttocks, called Dermatitis Herpitiformis (DH). This can only be confirmed with a skin biopsy by your doctor or a gastrointestinal specialist (GI).  If you are scheduling an appointment to get it looked at make sure to cut all gluten from your diet for at least four weeks before the biopsy. Some more common symptoms  are bloating of the stomach, chronic diarrhea or constipation, bone and joint pain, and mouth ulcers.

Celiac disease may appear at any point in a persons life.  It is usually brought on by severe stress, pregnancy, childbirth, or after a surgery.  There is no cure for celiac disease and can only be treated for the symptoms.  If you suffer from CD, the biggest requirement is that you maintain a gluten-free diet.  Medication for the problem has not been shown to improve health as much as a healthy gluten-free diet.

I recommend confirming with a good gastrointestinal specialist if you believe you may have celiac disease.  He or she will issue specific blood tests and a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis better than anyone else. After all, intestines are their specialty!

For further information on the topic please visit



If you have a sensitive stomach and have alternative food needs, I have the perfect sensitive solution—the Sensitive Baker. I am a strong proponent of gluten-free and dairy-free foods, but life changing meal plans can be difficult. Most people who learn late in life that they are gluten-intolerant feel as though they have hit rock bottom when it comes to finding grain alternatives and something delicious to eat. Parents with dairy and gluten sensitive children are overwhelmed trying to find the right foods for them.  Luckily, a small bakery in Culver City exists to satisfy the taste buds of a dairy/gluten intolerant or Celiac-sufferer.

For the last few years, the Sensitive Baker has been dishing out gluten-free casein-free bread, pastries and sweets to the hungry but health conscious denizens of Culver City. Not only are they a 100% gluten, shellfish, and peanut-free facility, their pastries are made with dairy-free ingredients and without added eggs or soy.  Aside from potential allergens such as almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, and soy lecithin (in dark chocolate) that may crop up in their recipes, it is the ideal spot to enjoy a healthy dessert.

Items on the Sensitive Baker menu include healthy rice loaf, delicious bagettes and sandwich rolls- perfect for your children’s lunch menu, gluten-free hamburger and hot dog buns for the weekend BBQ, vegan pizza crust, tasty quinoa-cranberry and pumpkin cookies, and even bake at home cinnamon rolls and vegan gingerbread cookie dough. If your mouth is not watering yet, I do not know what will do the trick!

Amidst all the delectable treats and slow rising bread, they also offer friendly service and standard or vegan cakes or pies for holidays, birthdays, or other events if scheduled in advance. If you are ever in Culver City, I would highly recommend stopping in for a quick bite. No matter what your diet dictates, there is a little something for everyone in this bakery—sensitive or not!




When you think of an organic grocery store, what is the first place that comes to mind? If it is Whole Foods, that is not surprising. They have hundreds of stores in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom with a great selection of organic goods. If you are looking for something a little more intimate though, that caters both to the organic and gluten-free demographic, my number one recommendation is Co-Opportunity.

Located in Santa Monica at the corner of 16th and Broadway, Co-Opportunity is the only Green Certified grocer in Santa Monica, and has even won the 2010 Sustainable Quality Award for its environmental efforts.

The store in and of itself is a co-op, which is a kind of business that is equally run by both patrons and business associates. Essentially, Co-Opportunity gives its members as much opportunity to contribute to the store as its employees. Becoming a member with them demonstrates your contribution to both the environment and homegrown, sustainable agriculture.

Co-Opportunity has been my favorite grocery store for almost twenty-five years, and as a lifetime member of for at least sixteen of those years, I can attest to their abundant organic and gluten-free selections. Co-Opportunity carries bulk organic foods, natural products for pets, herbs, spices, chemical-free household products and all-natural cosmetics.  Many of the brands you will not find anywhere else in Los Angeles. They cater to literally every diet out there with foods that are raw, GMO-free, dairy and lactose free, vegan and vegetarian, macrobiotic, wheat-free, and gluten-free. I support them 100% because they are so environmentally involved, and serve so admirably to people wanting to nourish their bodies with natural, wholesome foods!


There is no denying we all love a good slice of pizza, and occasionally, a slice or two will not be the death of us. You have to admit though, after ordering a pizza from your average Pizza Hut, it does not sit with us well for the rest of the day. Deep-dish crusts, sausage, bacon, and triple cheese are probably the most fat and carbohydrate-packed foods out there, so the reason we feel sluggish after a pizza is abundantly clear.  If you are looking to go the fresh,  healthier and organic route with your pizza, a franchise called Pizza Fusion is a great solution—and they also deliver! This place is my favorite pizza joint in Santa Monica, actually the only place I know of that serves gluten-free and dairy-free, organic pizzas that are super delicious!

Back in 2006, Michael Gordon and Vaughan Lazar recognized that there were not many dining out options for people interested in an organic lifestyle. They created Pizza Fusion to fufill the needs of like minded and health concious people. Providing not only organic pizza, brownies, and beer, Pizza Fusion is the epitome of environmentally friendly run businesses. Believing wholeheartedly that “social responsibility is just as important as profitability”, Gordon and Lazar set out to not only serve quality organic ingredients (listed on the menu in green), but to do what was best for the Planet. Everything from the construction of the building to the booths, the countertops, even the clothes on their employees’ backs are made from 100% recycled products. They even have hybrid delivery cars!

Recognized as one of the only pizza joints around with such a small carbon footprint, you cannot go wrong placing an order from them. Their menu also includes vegan and regular salads with many organic ingredients to choose from , along with meatball sliders and free range chicken sandwiches. So far, Pizza Fusion has locations in seven states across the United States, and even two in Saudi Arabia! Check out their website to find a location near you. Pizza never tasted so good and healthy!

BTW: just in case you want to know the exact ingredients in the Gluten-Free crust and Vegan Cheese:

Gluten Free Crust:

Filtered water, Better Batter gluten-free flour (white and brown rice flour, tapioca starch, potato flour, xanthan gum, pectin), cane sugar, organic extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, instant dry yeast.

Vegan Soy Mozzarella by Follow Your Heart:

Filtered water, canola oil, tofu, soy protein, inulin, agar, sea salt, natural flavor, carrageenan, calcium lactate and lactic acid (both vegan)

Pizza Fusion

Santa Monica Location

2901 Ocean Park Blvd. Ste 123

Santa Monica, CA 90401

Phone: 310-581-2901

For other locations: