
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of many celebrities who support efforts to secure a sustainable future for our planet. Aside from being nominated for Academy Awards and starring in Titanic, one of the highest grossing pictures of all time, DiCaprio has built a significant presence in spreading the word about climate control and saving animals from extinction.

DiCaprio has been a long time member of the NRDC’s Board of Trustees and sponsored the e-Activism Zone in the Robert Redford Building, home to NRDC’s Santa Monica office, which has been named ‘Greenest’ Building in America. DiCaprio’s ecological efforts became popular back in 2002 when his eco-foundation was awarded the Martin Litton Environmental Warrior Award, an honor in the name of long time environmental activist Martin Litton. From there he has created documentaries including his most popular “11th Hour” which won several awards, launched an eco website entitled, and produced a show on Discovery Networks called “Eco-Town” which is filmed around the reconstruction of Greensburg, Kansas, a town wiped out by a tornado. In addition, he donated one million dollars to the Haiti relief effort and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

I am a big fan of environmental activism, and I appreciate it when celebrities use their standing to contribute to a healthier Planet. It has been said that DiCaprio drives a hybrid car, uses solar panels in his house, and even flies on commercial jets rather than private ones. He is a great role model and inspiration for many!
