Mark Twain once said “Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over.” Around the world today, huge corporations are eating up our public water resources, choosing to serve their stock holders over the millions of people around the world without access to clean or abundant water sources. Water scarcity is a worldwide issue that not many people are aware of, but an amazing documentary called Blue Gold is rapidly causing the world to take notice.
Documenting worldwide “Water Wars”, the film discusses water privatization across the globe and the effects on its people. What began first as a book quickly warped into an informative and jarring documentary that follows great factions of people in local protests, disconcerting court cases and chaotic revolutions all around the world as they band together to save our biggest resource from being privatized for profit. The film’s trajectory takes on an unsettling turn as it portrays the corrupt ways in which fresh water is used for political gain and is becoming increasingly limited as it is pumped into housing and the over-development of agriculture.
The producers of Blue Gold have created an ‘action plan’ on the documentary’s website that encourages people to get involved and to stay informed about water as a finite resource. They maintain that “water is a basic human right, the right to survive.” Their site has excellent resources to check out how to fight for the water in your city, and take control of the situation locally. Even if fighting water wars is not on your agenda this week, it would not hurt to learn a little info about it!