


Surely you’re familiar with the tangerine (aka mandarin), with it’s sunny orange hue and juicy, vibrant burst of sweet citrus flavor, but did you know that you can use the peel of the tangerine to make a delicious tea, which can help to soothe what ails you? Read on to learn why this is the perfect time of year to incorporate this elixir into your routine.

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When it comes to eating greens, the darker the better.  Of course you should always be eating a variety of fruits and vegetables to keep that dinner plate looking colorful, but research has shown that when it comes to eating those leafy ones, eating darker makes for richer tastes and greater nutrient absorption. If you have not already been adding darker greens to your plate, you will want to in the future—they exhibit a highly nutritious enzyme called sulforaphane.

Our everyday vegetables have very unique qualities. When you chew them up, they naturally release sulforaphane, which does wonders for the body.  Research has shown that in raw foods like broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage, the naturally occurring compounds and enzymes released may exhibit anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial properties. Not only are these great greens protecting your inner body but they work miracles for your skin too.  When applied topically, the sulfurophane in the vegetables may protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays and even skin cancer.

It is always important to think one step ahead, and in the case of your health you should probably be thinking a few steps ahead.  Staying up to date on the latest research about the natural qualities of your favorite foods can do you a world of good.  A great many studies have been performed on sulfuraphane, and it is undoubtedly an enzyme you want to consume on a daily basis!



The use of pomegranates dates back to biblical times, when the Babylonians regarded them as mediums for resurrection, and the Persians believed their seeds instilled invincibility on the battlefield. All aspects of the fruit from its fleshy leaves to its thick rind are rife with rich, bioactive compounds that make it highly nutritious. Past clinical studies have concluded the fruit to be effective in warding off diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and infections of the gum, skin, and liver.  Considered a functional food because of these healing properties, the pomegranate has rapidly become a predominant superfood in the realm of health and wellness.

With such widespread circulation, the pomegranate has become widely available in both juice and capsule form.  Its physiological makeup deems it an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, and anti-diabetic agent with a broad range of phytochemicals. To date, a tremendous amount of research has gone into the study of the pomegranate, and there is great interest in its functionality.  At least 770 scientific papers exist on the fruit, according to Science Direct, which is a compendium of peer reviewed journals and articles by leading scientists. From this research scientists strive to assess the overall value of the fruit by testing its extracts on animals and humans. So far, the extract has shown proven reduction in cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, as well as increased HDL cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol, and antioxidant activity.

In the realm of skincare, pomegranate peel and seed oil have been especially beneficial in regenerating different layers of the skin, like the dermis, a deeper layer of skin, and the epidermis, the layer closest to the skin’s surface. Further, pomegranate extract contains chemo-preventive properties against UVA and UVB damage from the sun, and inhibits UV-induced pigmentation and discoloration when taken orally, because of its whitening effect on the skin. Overall, very effective in ameliorating skin damage from the sun!

Right now, pomegranates are in season, best to look for organic grown and from local farmers. My suggestion is, if you can get the most out of your health from a fruit that offers more nutritional punch than the average apple or orange, buy a bundle!
