The appearance of the belly never lies.


swollen-belly(“Before” photo of one of my patient- a yoga instructor who has beautiful arms and legs and is at a healthy weight.)

I have had so many people expressing their frustrations to me about their belly- they eat the right “healthy” foods- lots of vegetables and fruit; they work out every day and do 300 sit ups to tighten up the abs…. but they can’t seem to get rid of the dreaded swollen belly, the pouch, that muffin top!

They have awesome arms and legs, all tone from doing the right exercises but what they don’t know is that when it comes to getting a flat sexy belly, exercise is not the cure all!

You want to know what my secret is to getting a flat sexy belly and maintaining it? We have to look deeper- deeper into the gut and getting to the root of the inflammation that is causing the swollen belly!

Think of your intestine as a long deflated balloon, similar to the ones that magicians and clowns play with to make those fun animal figures and crowns for your kids. When there is inflammation and irritation in your gut caused by various reasons (which I will get into in my next article), the gut lining swells up like a balloon hence the swollen belly!

One of my best tools to see if you have early signs of gut inflammation or digestion issue is by measuring the belly, specifically looking at the waist to hip ratio (WHR). Although waist to hip ratio is a measurement used for abdominal obesity I have tested hundreds of GI patients and I find that it’s a great screening tool for acute to chronic gut inflammation.

Use a flexible tape measure (one that a tailor uses) and figure out the circumference of the waist, exactly at the umbilicus (belly button) and at the hip, at the top of the inseam (where the inner thigh meets the groin.)


Waist (in) / Hip (in) = ??
Women < 0.8-0.85
Men < 0.9

For women, the waist to hip ration should not be greater than 0.8-0.85 (depending on who you talk to!) and for men, the ratio should not be greater than 0.9.

What are your WHR #’s?

Please share your results and comments below!


25 replies
  1. Gloria Sheridan
    Gloria Sheridan says:

    Mine is .8375 but I have always had a problem with a swollen belly and have Hashimotos (therefore, inflammation)

  2. Angelina Gilstrap-Ross
    Angelina Gilstrap-Ross says:

    Thank you for sharing this information…I've got.87~now please tell us how to change that into a healthier ratio!

  3. Stacie
    Stacie says:

    .91 This was first thing in the morning, by late afternoon I look pregnant & I’m sure the numbers will change.

  4. Dr Susanne
    Dr Susanne says:

    You are right on the money Jackie! Use the Flat Sexy Do’s and Don’ts checklist to see if you can get it down to .80! Please post your result, in 2 weeks!

    Dr. Susanne

  5. Dr. Susanne
    Dr. Susanne says:

    You are right on the money Jackie! Use the Flat Sexy Do’s and Don’ts checklist to see if you can get it down to .80! Please post your result, in 2 weeks!
    Dr. Susanne

  6. Dr. Susanne
    Dr. Susanne says:

    Hey Gail! You are at the top of the range, Use the Flat Sexy Do’s and Don’ts checklist to see if you can get it down to .80! Please post your result, in 2 weeks!

  7. Dr. Susanne
    Dr. Susanne says:

    Angelina, you have some belly swelling, but not severely. Make sure you follow the Flat Sexy Belly Do's and Don'ts food checklist! Last week one of my patients reduced their abdominal girth 9 inches in 7 days… I am not kidding here! She was so bloated, and went from 47" to 38"!! Gosh I wish we took some photos, only got measurements. Bummer!

  8. Katyna Tran
    Katyna Tran says:

    .84. But…..I have am abnormally large backside, so does this mean my key ratio range should probably be a little lower?

  9. Dr. Susanne
    Dr. Susanne says:

    Yes, that may be the case, and I would definitely look at your symptoms- do you have bloating, gas, constipation, pain in the abdomen after eating, fatigue, skin allergies etc…

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