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Reed DavisReed Davis

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

      Prevent Osteoporosis & Preserve Bone Health

      Tips for Building Bone Health

Reed Davis is a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Certification Course. Reed is known as one of the most successful and experienced clinicians in the world today, having provided functional assessments to over 10,000 clients for hormone levels, bone density testing, adrenal function, digestive problems, immune system and detoxification issues as well as testing for pathogens, food sensitivities and many related health problems.

Reed has served as Health Director and Case Manager at The Better Health & Wellness Center in Poway, California for over 15 years and now teaches a course in functional medicine with over 2500 trainees or graduates in 50 countries. He is also a Clinical Advisor at BioHealth Laboratory where he helps doctors interpret lab test results and develops natural protocols to restore function instead of just treating the symptoms. Reed lives in Southern California teaching the FDN Certification Course and helping his graduates to build robust, private-pay practices.

The purpose of FDN is to help people investigate and resolve the underlying causes and conditions at the root of their health complaints.  Reed developed FDN so that it can be used by both licensed and lay-practitioners.  He is certified in Nutritional Therapy by the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH) where he is a lifetime member. Reed is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (IFPA) and Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor (CMTA).  He teaches only science-based methods of helping clients to rebuild health. Reed is a member of the A.C.E.P. as an EFT Practitioner and a member of the Pastoral Medicine Association. He supports many other health-related organizations and provides his own group with a weekly podcast, having an impressive archive of over 400 recordings.

Dr. Erica KosalDr. Erica Kosal

The Health Impacts of Stress, Tragedy & Loss
PLUS, Do You Cause Your Own Stress?

      Health Impacts of Stress, Tragedy & Loss

      What Lessons Can Tragedy Teach You?

Dr. Erica Kosal and her recently deceased husband Jim Young, educators at the corporate and university level, were married for 15 years.

In 2007, after originally being given a misdiagnosis of ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Jim was correctly diagnosed with neurological chronic Lyme disease. For seven years Jim’s health fluctuated such that at times it appeared he was beating the illness, but ultimately it took his life in June of 2014. Over the seven year battle, Jim had a tracheostomy, neuromuscular and pituitary issues, massive weight and muscle loss, and eventually the loss of mobility and speech.

In addition to caring and advocating for her husband Jim, Erica has battled the health insurance company, been audited by the IRS, and has faced financial crisis due to medical bills.

Erica and Jim have utilized a variety of strategies to make their way through this setback and concluded that others might also benefit from their ultimate resiliency. To that end, the multiple strategies are documented as Rebounding Game Plans.

PRE-RECORD immediately following the Live show:

Greg MacphersonGreg Macpherson

Mitochondrial Health

Greg Macpherson is Chief Executive Officer of MitoQ Ltd. He completed a Bachelor of Pharmacy at University of Otago School of Medicine in 1992. Subsequently he has been owner and director of a number of start-up businesses that include New Zealand’s largest residential care services pharmacy, NZ’s first robotic dispensing laboratory, a pharmaceutical wholesaling company and a software development company. He has been a partner and board member of a pharmacy chain associated with one of NZ’s leading retailers. Currently he is a shareholder and director of Pharmacy Direct, NZ’s leading online pharmacy and is CEO at MitoQ Ltd.


 Nature’s Secrets with Dr. Susanne Bennett

Nature's Secrets with Dr. Susanne Bennett

On this episode:The Importance of Optimal Mitochondrial Health

      Nature's Secrets: Importance of Mitochondrial Health