Dr. Jennifer Landa
November 15, 2013 @ 10:00 am PST
Join me on Friday, November 15th at 10:00 am PT when I interview Dr. Jennifer Landa who will be sharing with us how to “Get Your SPARK Back!” Dr. Jen’s here to support you with information that help you revive your energy, revitalize your mood, finally drop the excess weight and get your sexy back.
In her talk, she’ll reveal:
- The signs that can tell you when your hormones are out of balance
- Best ways to become more vital and energetic
- Easiest lifestyle changes for eliminating excess weight
- Most efficient ways to exercise – saves time and makes a real difference
- Simples ways to revive your sexual partnership
Dr. Jen Landa is the Hormone Expert MD: Author of the Amazon bestseller, The Sex Drive Solution for Women, and creator of Rewire Your Desire, a program to help women get their passion back. She’s been featured on Dr. OZ, Fox News with Dr. Manny Alvarez, Oprah.com, and Elle, Women’s Health, and Shape Magazines.
We’re led to believe it’s natural for us to lose our spark at a certain point, that it’s part of growing older. Dr. Jen is here to tell you it’s not true. Women can and should enjoy energy, balanced moods, easier weight loss, and renewed sexual desire at any age.
She found the answers she needed in integrative medicine using hormones, nutrition, supplements, and other lifestyle changes. Dr. Jen has created a framework of easy-to-follow practices that helped her, helped her patients, and is now helping women everywhere restore their energy, their health, and their sex lives.
As wife, mother and physician, Dr. Jen’s friendly, accessible style has made her a favorite among women seeking solutions for health issues from PMS, baby blues and low libido, to hot flashes, vaginal dryness and menopausal mood swings.
Click here to listen in at 10:00 am PT on Friday, November 15th!
Have a question for me? Call 877-230-3062 during the show. I would love to answer your question personally.